Before You Lighten / Bleach Your Skin Exfoliation Regime For Fast Results

Before You Lighten / Bleach Your Skin Exfoliation Regime For Fast Results

How to Lighten/Bleach or simply remove dark spots from the Skin

Step 1: Our Exfoliation Products ( 25 % D & G Chemical Peel, Kojic Acid Soaps, and Facial and Body Scrubs)

Exfoliation is the first step in the skin lightening process. Ideally, this should be done for at least 3 weeks before you start applying lightening creams. Exfoliation is an ongoing process that should be done daily, weekly or monthly, depending on your exfoliation technique. There are two main methods of exfoliation: Mechanical Exfoliation and Chemical Exfoliation.

Mechanical exfoliation involves using scrubs, microdermabrasion This can be done multiple times per week on normal skin types. 

Chemical exfoliation (creams, chemical peels etc.,,) involves the application of chemical peels to peel away the top layer of skin (the epidermis) that has been darkened by over-exposure to the sun. Removing the dull, dead skin reveals a smoother, lighter complexion. Peeling away the old skin also allows the lightening creams to penetrate better and work faster. How often should you do a chemical peel? Well, that will depend on the strength of the peel and your skin tolerance. Mild peels can be used more frequently than Medium or Deep peels.Chemical peels offer superior exfoliation, but they are not for everyone. Always read the warnings and precautions prior to performing a chemical peel.

Step 2: Lighten / Bleach

After the skin has been prepped by exfoliation, you can now apply my recovery cream for a week if you want to further prep your skin and put back any moisture the peel took away. There are several skin lightening creams, masks, serums and lotions available. Selecting a lightening product is usually the most difficult task because there is no guarantee of how well or how fast a particular brand will work on your skin. What works well for your twin sibling may not work the same for you. Products containing hydroquinone generally work the fastest. If you are sensitive to hydroquinone you should opt for products that contain Undecylenoyl Phenylalanine (Sepi-White), Azelaic Acid, Arbutin, Bearberry, Kojic acid, Mulberry, Niacinamide, Licorice, Vitamin C, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) or Glutathione. Keep in mind that none of the above-mentioned skin lightening ingredients will give you permanent results we at Soft and Moist LLC will still continue to guide you on your journey to give you the best results possible we recommend for semi-permanent results to avoid the sun , also use high spf  50 or higher sunscreen and to use natural melanin supressors. Once you stop using lightening products your natural skin color will eventually return.

Step 3 : Sunscreen

This is often the most over-looked step in the skin lightening process - but it is necessary. If you will be exposed to the sun you should always ensure that your skin is protected by sunscreen. Why spend time and money on lightening products only to defeat the purpose by allowing the sun to darken the skin? The most common excuse is that sunscreens are messy and time consuming to apply. This may be true of some sunscreen creams but instead of a cream you can use the aerosol form that can be sprayed all over the body in just seconds. It is also a good idea to avoid the sun during the hottest time of the day and wear light colored clothing that does not expose too much skin.

If you follow these 3 simple steps, you will achieve lighter, radiant skin in no time!

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